Patients of Drs. Thomas, Quigley, McInnis, Oynett-Jeffries & Keenan, please contact them directly via their website:

For Dr. Holland & Dr. Tecimer: please see clinic hours for April 1st to April 14, 2024 & further clinic information below.

DateOffice phone linesMD in office
Mon Apr 1845AM-1PM & 130PM-5PM9AM-1230PM
Tues Apr 2845AM-1PM & 130PM-5PM & 630PM to 8PM9AM-8PM
Wed Apr 3915AM-1PM & 130-530PM & 630PM-830PM930AM-830PM
Thurs Apr 4115PM-5PM & 530PM-830PM130-830PM
Fri Apr 5845AM-1PM & 130PM-5PM9AM-5PM
Sat & Sun
Apr 6 & 7
Mon Apr 8115PM-5PM & 530PM-830PM130PM-830PM
Tues Apr 9845AM-1PM & 130PM-5PM9AM – 5PM
Wed Apr 10115PM-5PM & 530PM-830PM1PM-830PM
Thurs Apr 11845AM-1PM & 130PM-5PM9AM-1230PM
Fri Apr 12845AM-1PM & 130PM-5PM9AM-1230PM
Sat & Sun
Apr 13 & 14
  1. Please ALWAYS bring a MASK to EVERY appointment. We are no longer providing masks. We ask our patients to do their part to keep our most vulnerable community members safe. If you forget to bring one, you can purchase one at our pharmacy before your appointment, but give yourself plenty of time to not miss be late for your appointment.
  2. The are significant changes underway at PEM including training new staff. Please be patient and KIND to the staff as we try to improve access to care, clinic flow, and work out kinks. Without our staff, the clinic can’t run and everyone is doing their best.
  3. We don’t have a way to reach out to all our patients en masse and changes happen often with the clinic, Dr. Tecimer patients, please sign up for our newsletter to get updates into your inbox.
  4. Please see the new fee structure for UNINSURED services (sick notes, forms etc), updated Sep 30, 2023.